The Pages of The Underground Harbor

Monday, January 22, 2018

Beginning the New year

Helloooo, boys, girls, men, women, and to whoever else may be left out. Back at it again in 2018 with Vilcor as your captain. Co captain? Either way, I am with you in this new year. Some could say a lot has happened over the past years and quite frankly, they are right.

A lot has happened, but in my eyes, it has been the same back and forth bickering that we have always seen since we could understand politics. Same shit, different day.

So when I was asked to start writing to the public again, I was kind of hard pressed to find something worthwhile to write about that wouldn’t be something I would be a dribbling broken record on. I feel that if I am going to put my time into writing, it has to be something I have to be able to put a little heart behind, ya know? Anyways, more on that exposition later.

So when I was searching fruitlessly for interesting tidbits to write about, something new was brought to my attention. Well, not new per say, but new to me. The Davos World Economic Forum(WEF). Yeah, so not really new since it was founded in 1971. It is an organization that brings a lot of the worlds VIPs together, stating the motto of “Committed to improving the state  of the world.”

So you may ask yourself, “Hey Vilcor, how come you’ve only just found out about something like this?” Well, that is very simple. I just didn’t know. I am only human and a dumb american one at that. I plan on keeping tabs and researching more into this organization. From what I have read so far, it seems like something that should be kept up on, if they live up to their motto.

I, for one, am all about improving this world. I hear so much bad nowadays and never enough good to make up the difference. So when there is a whole organization about the betterment of the world, of course I would be on board. I know that this thing won’t have its faults, nary a thing ever does, but I hope that it will be successful.

Now I want to talk about this year’s meeting in particular. One that I believe will have interesting result. Whether for good or for bad, who can tell. To get on with it, this year our president, the United States of America’s one and only president, President Trump, is planning on making a visit to the Davos World Economic Forum. When I heard this, oooohhh it brought a smile to my lips. It wasn’t one of those smiles where where everything was happy and okay. It was one of those smiles where you know something was about to go down so you grab one of those fold out chairs and popcorn and just wait for the fireworks.

President Trump is not one who is known for... displaying example for world betterment. Quite the opposite actually. The betterment of the United States? A questionable yes. A very questionable yes in my book. Now, I’ll admit that he hasn’t been as bad as I thought he would be, but he hasn’t been the greatest. Still better than Hillary.

The pull out of the Paris Agreement, the questionably racist and sexist(not to questionable, in my opinion.) remarks, and among several other things have not made Trump a very popular person in the eyes of WEF. I am positive this will lead to some very heated debates in the near future. A slim slim hope for some positive results. I doubt that would come to pass and that Trump’s presence there just may lead for more enemies against the US, but here is to thinking positive.

Now, I believe my rambling has gone on quite long enough. To summarize it all up; new year, new discovery, Trump is a douche, WEF is definitely worth investigating, be aware of the fire in the near future. That is about it and remember to have a good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night. Yes, I liked the Truman Show. Bye!

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