The Pages of The Underground Harbor

Monday, January 29, 2018

Trump's Power Grab: The Firing of Andrew McCabe

Hello everyone and welcome to the Monday edition of Acid Politics. Today we're going to talk about F.B.I deputy director Andrew McCabe stepping down from his position. That's right, another one bites the dust in the carousel of buffoonery that is Capitol Hill and the White House. Are we surprised at all? Well, no, not really. Given every other "corpse" this administration wants to leave behind this seems like just another piece of an obvious puzzle. How obvious? How about a power grab and hold  that will make your poor little head spin. Will it work? Should you be concerned? Let's get to it.

First off, yes, you should be concerned. This is once again the forced outing of an official in a position that can serve to balance the power of the presidency and keep our political freedoms in place. Checks and balances are so important to what it is we do in the United States. If there is a belief that a power holding individual has abused the power vested in them to undermine the procedures and policies that we have put in place to keep our Republic running smoothly then it is not only recommended, but required, to investigate that individual. Here we have a situation where such a problem has arisen and as soon as we enact our process to guarantee that there either was or wasn't an illegal activity taking place the President himself steps in and uses power he believes is almighty to stop any chance of the facts coming out. Comey, McCabe, and even an attempt at Mueller, Trump has set out to derail and discourage any checks and balances. Why? Because he seems to believe that because he won the vote he is untouchable. Narcissists and Egotists often times take any hint of power as all powerful, and as soon as they feel like someone wants to test that theory they do everything possible to ensure that the power they hold cannot be taken from them. Is Trump a narcissist? Who knows? What is clear though is that Trump seems to believe that what the people bestowed none can remove.

Now, the next question that comes up is whether or not such a massive power grab will work. That depends on what exactly it is Mueller has up his sleeve and how willing the American people are to call this like it is. Should it come out that Mueller actually has nothing at all and it was all a game to discredit Donald Trump then yes, every action taken would then appear to be justified. If there isn't anything against him then every slanderous lie that the media flung at Trump would become blatantly obviously partisan and such an attack from the left with no payoff could jeopardize the momentum that Democrats seem to have grabbed heading into election time. What if, however, Mueller actually does have some damning evidence against the President? Then it would be on the people to keep up the push and see this thing finished. If Trump truly did what he is being accused of then odds are the House and Senate would wait to see if the people just shrugged it off and went on with business as usual. At that point it is up to the people to call out congress and demand justice for the crimes of our leader. If he's guilty, lock him up. In no way will any of this deceit and lies against the American people be persecuted if congress believes it will blow over. If we were to put the pressure on them and make them fear their seats during this election cycle then in that reality there is a possibility that action may be taken to preserve the power that Republicans currently hold in congress.

Should we see Trump off though? There may be no way of knowing how the markets will react should the worst case scenario come true, but if they follow current trends would it be smart to remove our President? I know that a good deal of this market run is Obama era decisions that contributed to growth and stability, but a year into Trump's presidency the market still seems to be running strong. New record highs and market confidence have led to more job opportunities and wage growth that has helped rekindle the dying middle class. Is it really in our best interest, given the power behind this run that the president has taken over, to remove a major catalyst to that growth? Hard to say. We will have to see where the market goes as winter draws on and gives way to spring. No slowing down may lead to Trump dodging the proverbial bullet no matter what comes out of the investigation.

Am I glad that Trump saw fit to drive McCabe out? No, not at all. It isn't how our political system should work and it isn't the system that I grew up dreaming of being involved in. What I can't condemn however is that everyone I know, at least for the time being, has benefited greatly from the election of Donald J. Trump. The waters are uneasy and the storm is building, here's hoping we are built to ride it out.

Well, what do you think? Is it all just smoke and mirrors or is there actually some real underhanded stuff going on? I'm XionFate5271 and this has been the Monday edition of Acid Politics. Join us on Wednesday as Vilcor88 hopefully peels himself away from the T.V screen and hits us with a monster of a piece in the Sword and Shield Tribune. Thank you for reading and good night.

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